Privacy statement

The Code of Health & Disability Services Consumer Rights applies to all health and disability support services in New Zealand. The Code gives rights to all consumers.

A summary of those rights include the right to;

1. Be treated with respect, dignity and independence

2. Be free from discrimination, coercion, harassment and exploitation

3. Receive services and support of an appropriate standard

4. Effective communication

5. Make an informed choice and give informed consent

6. Complain

7. The right to have an advocate or support person with you

If any of these rights, in your opinion, are not being met a complaint can be made to the manager of the service from which you are receiving care or the Chief Executive of Nurse Maude.

Your local advocacy service can be contacted on 0800 555 050 and the Health and Disability Commissioner on 0800 11 22 33

Nurse Maude protects the privacy of patients and clients, abiding by the Health Information Privacy Code 1994

For more information please contact the Nurse Maude Privacy Officer on 375 4200 or